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Friday, March 26, 2010

Civil Unrest is a Dangerous thing!!!

The dark aftermath of health care reform


In the 1965 Easter season, young civil rights leader John Lewis was recovering from a skull fractured by the nightstick of an Alabama State (Storm) Trooper in the march that prompted the Voting Rights Act.

America has come a long ways since the clubbing of peaceful protesters at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama.

But Rep. John Lewis, D-Georgia, again heard racial epithets -- yes, the "n" word -- as he walked across the street, through jeering protesters, to the U.S. Capitol to vote last weekend.

Rep. Andre Carson, D-Indiana, heard the same derision. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., was spat upon. A chorus of homophobic epithets greeted Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass. Rep. Ciro Rodriguez, D-Texas, heard himself called a "wetback."

"Politics ain't beanbag," Finley Peter Dunne wrote, creating a famous aphorism of American politics. It never was a profession for the faint of heart. Even disciples of genteel courtesy, e.g. George H.W. Bush, have gone into the gutter to win.

Still, the tea baggers' display on Capitol Hill as health care reform passed the House, reached the point of hateful, wretched excess.

The aftermath hasn't been any better. A propane gas line at the Virginia home of Rep. Tom Perriello's brother was cut Tuesday after a self-proclaimed "tea party" activist mistakenly posted his home as the congressman's address. Opponents were urged to "drop by" and voice their feelings.

Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., who worked out a compromise on abortion language with the White House, has shared messages that have Mrs. Stupak letting their home phone ring without answer. A sample: "You're dead. We know where you live. We'll get you."

Unceasing combat did not used to be the American way. Our politicians governed with the hand dealt to them by the voters.

Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill could fight over tax cuts, but swap stories when the debate stopped. Our state's Tom Foley and Illinois Rep. Henry Hyde delivered passionate opposing speeches to close debate on aid to Nicaragua's Contra rebels. The two big Irishmen would then stride off the House floor arm-in-arm.

Not last weekend. House Republicans served as cheerleaders on the floor when demonstrators shouted from the balcony. They egged on the tea baggers from a U.S. Capitol balcony.

House Minority Leader John Boehner told National Review online that Ohio colleague Rep. Steve Driehaus would be a "dead man" if he voted for health reform. Ex-Gov. Sarah Palin urged reform opponents to "reload" and released a map showing targeted Democrats' district in crosshairs.

The Republicans' House whip, Rep. Eric Cantor, denounced threats on Thursday. Cantor, a conservative, said that he has been "directly threatened" and that a bullet was shot through the window of his Richmond, Va., campaign office this week.

But Cantor said he has chosen not to release threatening e-mails, and claimed that by doing so Democrats are "fanning flames" to reap political reward. He appeared to take a shot at Stupak, saying: "It is reckless to use these incidents as media vehicles for political gain."

It is, however, hard to conceal a window shattered by a projectile . . .or ignore the small of gas from a severed fuel line . . .or laugh off a call for the hanging of Sen. Patty Murray . . . or be sanguine about an anonymous phone threat . . . or believe in comity when a House colleague shouts "baby killer."

Thankfully, we have no crazies like Reps. Randy "Baby Killer" Neugebauer and Michelle Bachmann in Washington's congressional delegation. We even see cooperation across the aisle, Democrat Murray and Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Wash., on expanding the Alpine Lakes Wilderness.

But there's poison in the atmosphere. Thursday brought one small sign of responsible folk trying to cleanse the air.

Christian religious leaders from across the country issued a "Covenant for Civility." Its 114 signers range from leaders of the National Association of Evangelicals to liberal Episcopal Bishops Greg Rickel in Seattle and Jeff Lee in Chicago (former rector at St. Thomas Church in Medina). Signers include Nixon tough guy Charles Colson, and Dr. James Gertmenian of Seattle's Plymouth Congregational Church.

"We pledge that when we disagree, we will do so respectfully, without falsely impugning the other's motives, attacking the other's character, or questioning the other's faith," the religious leaders said.

They concluded: "We pledge to God and to each other that we will lead by example in a country where civil discourse seems to have broken down."

It's a pledge that should be taken to the House floor.

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