JustJeff's Fun House!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010


Published 1448

And now a word, in uncouth rhyme
Of what shall be in future time
Then upside down the world shall be
And gold found at the root of tree

All England's sons that plough the land
Shall oft be seen with Book in hand
Great houses stand in far flung vale
All covered o'er with snow and hail

A carriage without horse will go
Disaster fill the world with woe.
In London, Primrose Hill shall be
In centre hold a Bishop's See

Around the world men's thoughts will fly
Quick as the twinkling of an eye.
And water shall great wonders do
How strange. And yet it shall come true.

Through towering hills proud men shall ride
No horse or ass move by his side.
Beneath the water, men shall walk
Shall ride, shall sleep, shall even talk.

And in the air men shall be seen
In white and black and even green
A great man then, shall come and go
For prophecy declares it so.

In water, iron, then shall float
As easy as a wooden boat
Gold shall be seen in stream and stone
In land that is yet unknown.

And England shall admit a Jew
You think this strange, but it is true
The Jew that once was held in scorn
Shall of a Christian then be born.

A house of glass shall come to pass
In England. But Alas, alas
A war will follow with the work
Where dwells the Pagan and the Turk

These states will lock in fiercest strife
And seek to take each others life.
When North shall thus divide the south
And Eagle build in Lions mouth

Then tax and blood and cruel war
Shall come to every humble door.
Three times shall lovely sunny France
Be led to play a bloody dance

Before the people shall be free
Three tyrant rulers shall she see.
Three rulers in succession be
Each springs from different dynasty.

Then when the fiercest strife is done
England and France shall be as one.
The British olive shall next then twine
In marriage with a German vine.

Men walk beneath and over streams
Fulfilled shall be their wondrous dreams.
For in those wondrous far off days
The women shall adopt a craze

To dress like men, and trousers wear
And to cut off their locks of hair
They'll ride astride with brazen brow
As witches do on broomsticks now.

And roaring monsters with man atop
Does seem to eat the verdant crop
And men shall fly as birds do now
And give away the horse and plough.

There'll be a sign for all to see
Be sure that it will certain be.
Then love shall die and marriage cease
And nations wane as babes decrease

And wives shall fondle cats and dogs
And men live much the same as hogs.
In nineteen hundred and twenty six
Build houses light of straw and sticks.

For then shall mighty wars be planned
And fire and sword shall sweep the land.
When pictures seem alive with movements free
When boats like fishes swim beneath the sea,

When men like birds shall scour the sky
Then half the world, deep drenched in blood shall die.
For those who live the century through
In fear and trembling this shall do.

Flee to the mountains and the dens
To bog and forest and wild fens.
For storms will rage and oceans roar
When Gabriel stands on sea and shore

And as he blows his wondrous horn
Old worlds die and new be born.
A fiery dragon will cross the sky
Six times before this earth shall die

Mankind will tremble and frightened be
for the sixth heralds in this prophecy.
For seven days and seven nights
Man will watch this awesome sight.

The tides will rise beyond their ken
To bite away the shores and then
The mountains will begin to roar
And earthquakes split the plain to shore.

And flooding waters, rushing in
Will flood the lands with such a din
That mankind cowers in muddy fen
And snarls about his fellow men.

He bares his teeth and fights and kills
And secrets food in secret hills
And ugly in his fear, he lies
To kill marauders, thieves and spies.

Man flees in terror from the floods
And kills, and rapes and lies in blood
And spilling blood by man kinds hands
Will stain and bitter many lands

And when the dragon's tail is gone,
Man forgets, and smiles, and carries on
To apply himself - too late, too late
For mankind has earned deserved fate.

His masked smile - his false grandeur,
Will serve the Gods their anger stir.
And they will send the Dragon back
To light the sky - his tail will crack

Upon the earth and rend the earth
And man shall flee, King, Lord, and serf.
But slowly they are routed out
To seek diminishing water spout

And men will die of thirst before
The oceans rise to mount the shore.
And lands will crack and rend anew
You think it strange. It will come true.

And in some far off distant land
Some men - oh such a tiny band.
Will have to leave their solid mount
And span the earth, those few to count,

Who survives this (unreadable) and then
Begin the human race again.
But not on land already there
But on ocean beds, stark, dry and bare

Not every soul on Earth will die
As the Dragons tail goes sweeping by.
Not every land on earth will sink
But these will wallow in stench and stink

Of rotting bodies of beast and man
Of vegetation crisped on land.
But the land that rises from the sea
Will be dry and clean and soft and free

Of mankinds dirt and therefore be
The source of man's new dynasty.
And those that live will ever fear
The dragons tail for many year

But time erases memory
You think it strange. But it will be.
And before the race is built anew
A silver serpent comes to view

And spew out men of like unknown
To mingle with the earth now grown.
Cold from its heat and these men can
Enlighten the minds of future man.

To intermingle and show them how
To live and love and thus endow
The children with the second sight.
A natural thing so that they might

Grow graceful, humble and when they do
The Golden Age will start anew.
The dragon's tail is but a sign
For mankind's fall and man's decline.

And before this prophecy is done
I shall be burned at the stake, at one
My body singed and my soul set free
You think I utter blasphemy
You're wrong. These things have come to me
This prophecy will come to be.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wow! I don't want to get To Excited. But I think I have a working deal developing that will work into a killer job. It's gonna take a couple months, but if this works out I'm gonna be working for National in Redmond and doing all the south end stuff. It's so Awesome for me, Because I will be free to run things at this end the way I want. Schedules here will be controlled by me. We just set up the computer connections to make it work w/o driving back in fourth. And since their supplier is down here I can just p/u my doors right here in town. 1st Job in the morning.:) Man I hope enough work comes in to make this fly:) If the work comes the deal is done. And I'm free to just do what I know how to do. I'm So excited and hopeful:) Wish me LUCK please!!!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

You can't Keep Dick's Down for long :)

Man charged with DUI in crash that closed Dick's
Suspect, a former UW professor, has pleaded not guilty

Joshua Trujillo / seattlepi.com
Paperwork is filled out after a Ford Explorer crashed into Dick's Drive-In in Lake City. Colin John Sandwith, 73, has been charged with DUI and pleaded not guilty in Seattle Municipal Court.

A man who police say crashed into the Lake City Dick's Drive-In, forcing the restaurant to close for more than a week while workers repair the building, has been charged with DUI.

That man, Colin John Sandwith, has pleaded not guilty.

Staff of Dick's Drive-Ins announced Tuesday they hope to reopen the restaurant, at 12325 30th Ave. N.E., on April 5.

Police say on March 25 about 9:20 p.m., Sandwith crashed his dark blue SUV into the front of the restaurant, damaging the metal counter, window and front tiled wall.

He got out and said he hit the accelerator instead of the brake, according to investigators.

Sandwith, 73, is affiliated with the University of Washington and the applied physics lab. He retired in January 2008 after 41 years at the university and was elected by colleagues to the rank of research associate professor emeritus.

He did not return a call or e-mail for comment Tuesday.

A witness told police he was standing in line when he turned and saw the vehicle driving toward him. The man jumped out of the way, injuring his knee. A Seattle Fire Department crew treated him at the scene, but the man was not taken to a hospital.

No other injuries were reported.

Sandwith, who was not injured in the crash, was taken to the North Precinct, where he was processed for DUI and released.

Court records show he has no criminal record in Washington and only a short ticket history: A speeding deferment in 2007 and a Snohomish County traffic ticket last year.

His DUI pretrial hearing is scheduled for May 3.

A sign in the Dick's parking lot says the restaurant is closed temporarily and apologizes for the inconvenience. All but one window in the front and one left-side window were covered with plywood Tuesday.

Dick's staff hasn't estimated the damages, and general manager Ken Frazier did not return a message for comment.

The restaurant's standpipe - basically a vent in the plumbing that goes up through the roof and allows sewer gases to escape to the atmosphere -- is inside the structure at the front of the building, according to Seattle Public Utilities.

If the standpipe was disturbed or broken, the public health department would not let the restaurant reopen until it's repaired and inspected. A public health inspector has gone to the restaurant, but the standpipe is not an issue for the heath department, spokeswoman Hilary Karasz said.

"Our plumbing folks will be going out there on a courtesy call to make sure a back flow device is installed on the soda machine, and the food inspector will also be stopping by, but no permits are being required and no plan review," she said. "So, as soon as the repairs are done they'll re-open and we'll be dropping by to make sure everything is as it should be. We're confident that it will."

The closure of more than a week is at least the second for the Lake City location. The first came after a fire started at the French fry cooker.

In a memory book sold for the restaurant's 50th anniversary, then store manager Jerry Frampton wrote the Lake City location was shut down for about two weeks, and staff members "were busy as soon as we reopened."

The first Dick's opened in 1954 at 111 N.E. 45th Street. The addition of the Lake City location was announced April 13, 1963.

The fourth of five locations, the Lake City drive-in was designed by architect Raymond H. Peck and completed later that year.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Some ones odd Aproach to understanding Slavery :) Author: Not Known

slavery is NOT all about suffering ... slavery is primarily about SERVICE. slavery is NOT all about humiliation ... slavery is primarily about HUMILITY. slavery is NOT all about pain ... slavery is all about being present. slavery is NOT all about being used ... slavery is about being of use. slavery is NOT only about control ... slavery is about letting go. slavery is NOT about your desires ... slavery is about giving to others. slavery is NOT about abuse ... slavery is about ACCEPTANCE. slavery is NOT about proving anything... slavery is about being real. slavery is NOT about contempt... slavery is about RESPECT. slavery is NOT about how you look... slavery is about how you care. slavery is NOT about denying yourself... slavery is about being open. slavery is NOT all about punishment.. slavery is about DISCIPLINE. slavery is NOT about being unable to escape... slavery is about being committed. slavery is NOT about submission... slavery is about OBEDIENCE. slavery is NOT about fear... slavery is about TRUST. slavery is NOT about Sex... slavery is about SERVING.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Civil Unrest is a Dangerous thing!!!

The dark aftermath of health care reform


In the 1965 Easter season, young civil rights leader John Lewis was recovering from a skull fractured by the nightstick of an Alabama State (Storm) Trooper in the march that prompted the Voting Rights Act.

America has come a long ways since the clubbing of peaceful protesters at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama.

But Rep. John Lewis, D-Georgia, again heard racial epithets -- yes, the "n" word -- as he walked across the street, through jeering protesters, to the U.S. Capitol to vote last weekend.

Rep. Andre Carson, D-Indiana, heard the same derision. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., was spat upon. A chorus of homophobic epithets greeted Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass. Rep. Ciro Rodriguez, D-Texas, heard himself called a "wetback."

"Politics ain't beanbag," Finley Peter Dunne wrote, creating a famous aphorism of American politics. It never was a profession for the faint of heart. Even disciples of genteel courtesy, e.g. George H.W. Bush, have gone into the gutter to win.

Still, the tea baggers' display on Capitol Hill as health care reform passed the House, reached the point of hateful, wretched excess.

The aftermath hasn't been any better. A propane gas line at the Virginia home of Rep. Tom Perriello's brother was cut Tuesday after a self-proclaimed "tea party" activist mistakenly posted his home as the congressman's address. Opponents were urged to "drop by" and voice their feelings.

Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., who worked out a compromise on abortion language with the White House, has shared messages that have Mrs. Stupak letting their home phone ring without answer. A sample: "You're dead. We know where you live. We'll get you."

Unceasing combat did not used to be the American way. Our politicians governed with the hand dealt to them by the voters.

Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill could fight over tax cuts, but swap stories when the debate stopped. Our state's Tom Foley and Illinois Rep. Henry Hyde delivered passionate opposing speeches to close debate on aid to Nicaragua's Contra rebels. The two big Irishmen would then stride off the House floor arm-in-arm.

Not last weekend. House Republicans served as cheerleaders on the floor when demonstrators shouted from the balcony. They egged on the tea baggers from a U.S. Capitol balcony.

House Minority Leader John Boehner told National Review online that Ohio colleague Rep. Steve Driehaus would be a "dead man" if he voted for health reform. Ex-Gov. Sarah Palin urged reform opponents to "reload" and released a map showing targeted Democrats' district in crosshairs.

The Republicans' House whip, Rep. Eric Cantor, denounced threats on Thursday. Cantor, a conservative, said that he has been "directly threatened" and that a bullet was shot through the window of his Richmond, Va., campaign office this week.

But Cantor said he has chosen not to release threatening e-mails, and claimed that by doing so Democrats are "fanning flames" to reap political reward. He appeared to take a shot at Stupak, saying: "It is reckless to use these incidents as media vehicles for political gain."

It is, however, hard to conceal a window shattered by a projectile . . .or ignore the small of gas from a severed fuel line . . .or laugh off a call for the hanging of Sen. Patty Murray . . . or be sanguine about an anonymous phone threat . . . or believe in comity when a House colleague shouts "baby killer."

Thankfully, we have no crazies like Reps. Randy "Baby Killer" Neugebauer and Michelle Bachmann in Washington's congressional delegation. We even see cooperation across the aisle, Democrat Murray and Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Wash., on expanding the Alpine Lakes Wilderness.

But there's poison in the atmosphere. Thursday brought one small sign of responsible folk trying to cleanse the air.

Christian religious leaders from across the country issued a "Covenant for Civility." Its 114 signers range from leaders of the National Association of Evangelicals to liberal Episcopal Bishops Greg Rickel in Seattle and Jeff Lee in Chicago (former rector at St. Thomas Church in Medina). Signers include Nixon tough guy Charles Colson, and Dr. James Gertmenian of Seattle's Plymouth Congregational Church.

"We pledge that when we disagree, we will do so respectfully, without falsely impugning the other's motives, attacking the other's character, or questioning the other's faith," the religious leaders said.

They concluded: "We pledge to God and to each other that we will lead by example in a country where civil discourse seems to have broken down."

It's a pledge that should be taken to the House floor.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health care REFORM?

.Great, Health care Reform...
Let's see, now they will force me to by health insurance. There's just one problem. The incredible Shortage of Primary care Physicians. And w/ no end in site. See it works like this. If I'm paying the astronomical cost of getting educated to be a Doctor, it stands to reason that I wanna MAKE MONEY when I complete said education.
I want to be a cancer specialist or something that pay's, and pay's well!!
This in my opinion Kicks the Idea of preventive Health care Right to the curb. Who is gonna take the time to get a check-up if they have to stand in line for 2 weeks due to the lack of doctors.
Further more how is EVERYONE in this country going to pay for said health insurance. For those of you who have been under a rock the last 2 years, Unemployment is OUT OF CONTROL. Reality must sink in that only the Roughly 70% of people who can find work will be able to pay. This means that the other Roughly 30% of the cost will have to be passed on to the 70% of those already paying there fair share.
Reform? How exactly will that Bullshit Reform anything? I'd be better off just paying out the ass like I have been when I need to go to the Doctor. (That's not very often for me). In an accident, Wich most likely would happen on the freeway or at work, There are other Insurances (we already are forced to pay) that would cover those things.
If I had the choice, I'll stay out of that system. But once again the Government Of The United States of America has chosen to completely ignore My constitutional Rights as a citizen of this Country. And removed yet another one of My rights to decide whats best for me.
In conclusion, if the FED wants to step up and help. Maybe they should consider getting a grip on immigration. Either close the borders or make these people citizens so they can contribute to society just like rest of us. I know and understand that illegals need medical as well. But our currant system forces those people to fly under the radar. While we foot the Bill...


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Wetlands, Washington, United States
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