JustJeff's Fun House!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health care REFORM?

.Great, Health care Reform...
Let's see, now they will force me to by health insurance. There's just one problem. The incredible Shortage of Primary care Physicians. And w/ no end in site. See it works like this. If I'm paying the astronomical cost of getting educated to be a Doctor, it stands to reason that I wanna MAKE MONEY when I complete said education.
I want to be a cancer specialist or something that pay's, and pay's well!!
This in my opinion Kicks the Idea of preventive Health care Right to the curb. Who is gonna take the time to get a check-up if they have to stand in line for 2 weeks due to the lack of doctors.
Further more how is EVERYONE in this country going to pay for said health insurance. For those of you who have been under a rock the last 2 years, Unemployment is OUT OF CONTROL. Reality must sink in that only the Roughly 70% of people who can find work will be able to pay. This means that the other Roughly 30% of the cost will have to be passed on to the 70% of those already paying there fair share.
Reform? How exactly will that Bullshit Reform anything? I'd be better off just paying out the ass like I have been when I need to go to the Doctor. (That's not very often for me). In an accident, Wich most likely would happen on the freeway or at work, There are other Insurances (we already are forced to pay) that would cover those things.
If I had the choice, I'll stay out of that system. But once again the Government Of The United States of America has chosen to completely ignore My constitutional Rights as a citizen of this Country. And removed yet another one of My rights to decide whats best for me.
In conclusion, if the FED wants to step up and help. Maybe they should consider getting a grip on immigration. Either close the borders or make these people citizens so they can contribute to society just like rest of us. I know and understand that illegals need medical as well. But our currant system forces those people to fly under the radar. While we foot the Bill...

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